The Bold and the Beautiful Weekly Blog!

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Another Round?
If you're a Logan fan, then you are happy that Donna stuck to her guns this week, thanks to encouragement from Justin and Bill. My feeling on it is that if we're going to be subjected to another round of Logans versus Forresters, then it makes it a more level playing field with Bill and Justin on the Logan side of things - should make the whole mess more entertaining. As for Justin wanting Donna, I need to see more of them together to decide if they do it for me.

Eric's Family Reunion.
Talk about déjà vu! I swear I've seen this same scene more than once in the past on B&B, except with different members of the Forrester family standing around nodding, smiling knowingly, and congratulating themselves at the idea of Eric and Stephanie reuniting and everything being 'as it should be'. Groan. And what is Stephanie thinking? Really. Vote in the Eric and Stephanie Snap Poll!

Secrets Coming Out!
I love how things are shaping up in the paternity scandal! With Jackie and Owen clearing the air this week, it leaves us salivating to find out when, and how, Nick will find out. He'll be devastated and angry with everyone involved. So whom will he turn to? Hmm. I'm anticipating all of this!

Be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comment section. If you’ve missed the show for the week, catch up with Soap Opera Fan Blog Bold and Beautiful Weekly Summaries and then feel free to cast your vote on our Soap Opera Fan Blog B&B Polls.

- Candace Young

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Credit: One down, one to go! (

B&B Breakdown
Week of May 24 – 28:

I’m of two minds about The Bold and the Beautiful this week. While the melodrama really irked me at times, I appreciated that things were happening and storylines moving forward. I also liked the break from the Hope/Steffy/Oliver show. Here’s what jumped out at me this week:

Soap Box Stephen.
I find that I can do nothing but regard the TV in amazement when Stephen delivers his over-the-top soapbox speeches about Stephanie and fighting the good fight, blah, blah… If we were to drink each time he used the phrase ‘protect my girls’, it might be more tolerable. Seriously, I like the character, and love the actor, but why can’t they write him more realistically, instead of having him go from living room to living room delivering these hand-over-heart proclamations – no one talks like that! The good news is that I’m really intrigued about the developments between Stephen and Pam – it’s a twist I really like!

Pam’s Date Goes Bust.
Pam is an intriguing character, because as much as she may have done reprehensible things, viewers can’t help but feel bad about her life circumstances, and giggle at her antics. I’m rooting for her to get her own man and stop living in Stephanie’s shadow. As for her ill-fated date with Jerrod, it was funny, if a little sad.
